Common Child Welfare Abbreviations

Common Child Welfare Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
ABAN Abandonment
AC Adopted Child
AD Adopted Daughter or Adoptive Dad
ADA Assistant District Attorney or Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADJ Adjudication
AG OAG Office of the Attorney General
AKA Also Known As ‐ Alias
AM Adoptive Mom
AN Anonymous
AP Absent Parent or Alleged Perpetrator or Adoptive Parent
APPLA Another Permanent Planned Living Arrangement
AS Adopted Son
ASFA Adoption & Safe Families Act
ATP Authorized to Participate
AU Aunt
BC Birth Child
BCIS Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration (was INS)
BF/BioF Birth Father or Biological Father
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BM/BioM Birth Mother or Biological Mother
BVS Bureau of Vital Statistics
BX Behavior
CARE Client Assessment, Review and Evaluation
CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate
CH Child
CM Case Manager or Care Manager
CPA Child Placing Agency
CPS Child Protective Services
CRM HX Criminal History
CT Court
CVS Conservatorship
CW Case Worker or Care Worker
DA District Attorney
DD Developmental Delay
DFPS Department of Family & Child Protective Services
DOB Date of Birth
DP Designated Perpetrator
DV Domestic Violence
ECI Early Childhood Education
EMAB Emotional Abuse
ER Emergency Room
FA Father
FAD Foster Adoptive Unit or Worker
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FASD Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
FBSS Family Based Safety Services (CPS)
FC Foster Care or Foster Child
FD Foster Dad or Foster Daughter
FFH Foster Family Home
FGH Family Group Home
Fictive Kin Caregiver not related to child/ren, but has a relationship
FM Foster Mother
FP Foster Parent(s)
FS Foster Son
FTT Failure to Thrive
GAL Guardian Ad Litem
Hotline Child Abuse Hotline
HS Home Study
HV Home Visit
ICPC Interstate Compact Placement or Children
ICWA Indian Child Welfare Act
IEP Individual Education Plan
Kinship Care Givers related to the child/ren
LE Law Enforcement
LOC Level of Care
MA Maternal
ME Medical Examiner or Medicaid Eligibility
MEPA Multiethnic Placement
MGF Maternal Grandfather
MGM Maternal Grandmother
MH Mental Health
MHMR Mental Health Mental Retardation
MO Mother
NCMEC National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
NSUP Neglectful Supervision
NV Non Verbal
OCOK Our Community Our Kids
OV Oldest Victim
PA Parent/Parental
PA Program Administrator (CPS)
PD Police Department or Program Director (CPS)
PD Program Director (CPS)
PDD Persvasive Developmental Disorders
PGF Paternal Grandfather
PGM Paternal Grandmother
PHAB Physical Abuse
PHNG Physical Neglect
PMC Permanent Managing Conservatorship
PMN Primary Medical Needs
POS Plan of Service (Child POS = CPOS; Family POS = FPOS)
PP Paramour
PPT Permanency Planning Team
PR Service Provider
PRN Principal in Case
Psych Eval Psychological Evaluation
QA Quality Assurance
QPI Quality Parenting Initiative
RAD Reactive Attachment Disorder
RAPR Refusal to Accept Parental Responsibility
RCCL Residential Child Care Licensing
REUN Reunification
RFP Request for Proposal
RO Ruled Out
RTB Reason to Believe
RTC Residential Treatment Center
RX Prescription
SA Substance Abuse
SAMA Satori Alternative to Managing Aggression
SAMH Substance Abuse Mental Health
SB Sibling
SBS Shaken Baby Syndrome
SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed
SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIL Supervised Independent Living
SO Sherriff's Office
SP Safety Plan
SSA Social Security Administration
SSCC Single Source Continuum of Care
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
SW Social Worker or Service Worker
SWI Statewide Intake
SX Symptom
SXAB Sexual Abuse
TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TBRI Trust Based Relational Intervention
TFC Therapeutic Foster Care or Home
TF‐CBT Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
TIC Trauma Informed Care
TMC Temporary Managing Conservator
TPR Termination of Parental Rights
TX Treatment
UK Unknown
UN Uncle
UTD Unable to Determine
VC Victim Child
YFT Youth for Tomorrow